
Share The Event

Please help us advertise this event in your corner of the community! Post fliers! Share this website’s links and/or boost the page on your social media accounts! Show the promo video to your community group! Include the insert in your church’s bulletins! Invite your friends and neighbors to attend! Find advertising resources below for community members, helping agencies, and churches to use.


One way we seek to increase our social media presence is by coining the phrase and hashtag: “Are you ‘In the Know?’” and having a selfie photo booth at the event, where people can take a selfie in front of a banner while wearing a sticker saying: “I’m ‘In the Know’, More Love to Show! AC Community Resource Fair”. Please use this photo booth to take a selfie and post it on your social media accounts.


Volunteers Needed!

We try to advertise for this event in many ways: social media, newspapers, radio stations, tv stations, signs up in the community, agency mailing lists, emailing local churches, etc. This takes a lot of time and energy, the majority currently done by one person, so we would love to have help!

If you would like to volunteer to help with advertising, please email:

(You can also volunteer to help with event set up and break down via this same email address.)

Donations Appreciated

This event currently has no budget (though the host site, FBC Clinton, generously covers the cost of food, banners, and 1 paid newspaper ad). The more funding we have for advertising, the more advertising we can do! If you would like to donate to the cost of advertising or the event in general, please do so by clicking the button below and please remember to enter “AC Resource Fair” in the comments section.