August 18 2024
12:00 – 2:30pm
Family Life Center, First Baptist Church, Clinton, TN 37716
5th Annual Community Resource Fair
Find Resources that Serve and Support the Anderson County Community
Community Members
Please make plans to attend this year’s resource fair! Free Food—hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the fixin’s! Freebies on the Tables! Door Prizes! Children’s Activity Area with games and prizes! Adult Activity area with cornhole, checkers, etc.! Please also help us spread the word about this event (watch and share the video above as well as the fliers, etc. on the advertising page) so our community can come together, learn, and network, that we might each become “walking resources fairs” for our neighbors in need. No one person (or church or agency) can meet every need we encounter, but if we educate ourselves about existing resources in our community, we will be able to better connect those in need around us to resources that can help.
Helping Agencies
Hello, Community Partners! Helping agencies (nonprofits, ministries, etc.) that benevolently serve people in Anderson County, TN, are invited to set up tables/booths (at no charge) with information, freebies, and advertisements to help educate the public about existing resources to help community members in need.
What We Provide
Food (hot dogs, chili dogs, burgers, (veggie burgers & veggie dogs), chips, sides, dessert, drinks, etc., will be available for free. Children’s activities will be provided in a select area (face painting, carnival-type games, etc.). If it’s a nice day we might set up some eating tables outside with corn hole, horseshoes, checkers, kids activities, etc., as well. We can provide a table (we have both round and rectangular), 2 chairs per table, and a sign with your agency name (if desired you must let us know exactly what you want put on the sign). Some agencies bring their own tables, chairs, and signs, so be sure to request these if you desire ours. Connection to electricity can be arranged if requested.
Though not required, please consider bringing some sort of freebie to give out—free stuff is often a draw for people attending these events (pens, pencils, highlighters, cups, keychains, frisbees, candy, etc., etc.). Also bring a table cloth (if you want one), and any fliers, brochures, business cards, signage, displays, etc.
In addition to educating the public and connecting with people in need, this is an excellent opportunity to learn about fellow community agencies, network, and discover possible volunteers and donors. 79 AC helping agencies were in attendance last year! The FBC host site provides: space, food, activities, bags for freebies, an advertising photo booth, and (if needed:) tables, chairs, electrical access, and agency signs. Agencies should plan to bring: Tablecloths, agency signs/banners/displays, info to distribute (fliers, brochures, business cards, etc.), and freebies to hand out (logo materials such as pens, frisbees, keychains, etc., or generic things like candy, granola bars, post-its, etc.)
Please reserve your table by Thursday, August 17th, by emailing with “Resource Fair” in the subject line, answering the following questions:
When you reserve your table, please also answer the following questions:
- Do you want to use one of our tables, or do you plan to bring your own? If you want one of ours, do you prefer rectangle or circular?
- If space is available, do you prefer more than one table?
- Do you need access to a power outlet for anything?
- Do you plan to bring your own sign (so people can easily look around the room and identify the different organizations), or do you want us to provide one? If you want us to provide the sign, please tell us exactly what you want it to say (name of the organization, etc.).
- Please provide a name, email address, and cell number (in case we have last minute updates) of the person who will be manning your booth.
Past Fair Brochures
Below are the layout maps and event brochures from previous years.